[Extra GB] Keycap WS Entwined Flowers

Thương hiệu: Wuque Studio Mã sản phẩm: PVN5882
Còn hàng
2.450.000₫ Giá niêm yết: Tiết kiệm:
Tùy chọn:
Gọi 0334898666 để tư vấn mua hàng

[Extra GB] WS Entwined Flowers

GB time: March 7th - March 20th
Delivery time: Expected in June 2024


Entwined Flowers is a set inspired by Faruzan from Genshin Impact. She is one of my favorite characters and uses the power of Anemo to support her allies. I loved the soft blue, navy, and teal palette in her character design and the shapes she would craft when using her skills. I felt the colors would make for a sophisticated and elegant set of keycaps and I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.        
                                                                                                         ---Captain Sterling

Set designed by: Captain Sterling 
Novelty designs by: Hellen Lee
Renders by: MVKB, Peach Keys, Beesley, and Captain Sterling
Manufacturer: Wuque Studio
Keycaps: Double-shot PBT cherry profile keycaps
Novelty keys: Double-shot keys with uv-printed legends


📜Hướng dẫn đặt hàng:
- Quý khách ấn Đặt hàng, điền đầy đủ và chính xác thông tin cá nhân, SĐT và Email
- Ấn đặt hàng, khi đó mã đơn hàng sẽ hiện ra (Ví dụ: #1169).
- Chuyển khoản cọc 1.000.000/Base+Novelties hoặc chuyển khoản toàn bộ (nếu ck trước sẽ miễn phí ship) theo cú pháp: Mã đơn hàng SĐT (Ví dụ: 1169 0334898666)
- Các add-ons mua thêm phải thanh toán 100%

STK Cọc: Số tài khoản: "SOIGEAR" hoặc "0301000331144"  - Tên: VU THI PHUONG - Ngân hàng: VIETCOMBANK 



Base kit:
Manufacturer: WS PBT
Keycap Material: Doubleshot PBT
Keycap Thickness: 1.6mm
Keycap Profile: Cherry
Keys QTY: 182 keys

Novelties kit:
Manufacturer: WS PBT
Keycap Material: PBT (UV Printing)
Keycap Thickness: 1.6mm
Keycap Profile: Cherry
Keys QTY: 23keys

Metal cap:
Material: Aluminum
Keycap Profile: Cherry R1
Treatment: Anodization and infill

Deakmat Elegance:
900x400mm (~35.4 x 15.7 inches) with 4mm thickness
Anti-fray black stitched edges
High-quality cloth top and rubber anti-slip bottom

Deakmat Luminous Polyhedron:
900x400mm (~35.4 x 15.7 inches) with 4mm thickness
Anti-fray black stitched edges
High-quality cloth top and rubber anti-slip bottom

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Đánh giá [Extra GB] Keycap WS Entwined Flowers

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