[In Stock] TET KIT Keyboard

Thương hiệu: KBDFANS Mã sản phẩm: PVN4163
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6.700.000₫ Giá niêm yết: 8.700.000₫ Tiết kiệm:
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Color Chips:
Gọi 0334898666 để tư vấn mua hàng


Thông tin sản phẩm:  

- Chất liệu: nhôm

- Kích thước:  210mm*72mm*71mm

- Xuất xứ: Trung Quốc

- Bảo hành: 1 tháng

Thông số sản phẩm:

▪️ Typing angle: 7°                                                                               ▪️ Weight: PVD stainless steel weight, PVD sandblasted brass weight stripe
▪️ Structure: Silicone socks gasket mount                                           ▪️ Plate: Polycarbonate/Black Aluminum/FR4
▪️ Case: Top and bottom aluminum                                                     ▪️ Foam: Case foam and PCB foam (PORON material)
▪️ Color chips: 9 colors, aluminum material, ~0.1g/ea                         ▪️ Weight: ~2.1kg (case+weight bar)
▪️ PCB: USB-C, supports daughterboard and VIA/QMK, Caps lock LED indicator on the top and RGB for logo LED indicator only
- 1.6mm NonFlex cut solderable PCB
- 1.2mm NonFlex cut Hot-swappable PCB


▪️ Case nhôm x1
▪️ PVD Stainless Steel Weight x1 (Không gồm color chips)
▪️ Weight stripe x1
▪️ Stab Shims x1 set
▪️ Silicone socks (Gasket) x1 set
▪️ Ốc vít x1 set
▪️ Rubber feet x1 set

▪️ PCB x1                                                                                            
▪️ Main plate x1                                                                                   
▪️ Numpad plate x1                                                                             
▪️ Case foam x1
▪️ PCB foam x1
▪️ Switch Pad x1 set

▪️ Color Chip x 3

Case Exterior

Aluminum Customizable multi-color weight add-ons (Inspired by a triangle Rubik's Cube)

Anodized aluminum case

PVD stainless steel weight

PVD sandblasted brass weight stripe

Basic features

7° typing degree

Non-Flex cut Solderable/Hot-swap PCB

Separate numpad plate

FRL (Function-row less) Layout

Semi-transparent RGB badge indicator

Inherited the structure of the Odin series

Multiple Plates



Anodized Black aluminum

Non-Flex cut plate, provide different typing experience depends on the different materials

Bouncy typing from hard to soft: Aluminum > FR4 > Polycarbonate

Solderable PCB
1.6 mm thickness Non-flex cut
Semi-transparent RGB badge indicator
Caps lock/Num lock LED indicator on the top only
Hot-swap PCB
1.2 mm thickness Non-flex cut
Semi-transparent RGB badge indicator
Caps lock/Num lock LED indicator on the top only


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